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Posts Tagged ‘frogs’

How to Steal a Mate: Frog Edition

June 30th, 2014 by nyn1


When it comes to finding mates, that privilege is usually saved for the biggest, strongest, smartest, and whatever other positive adjective you might think of to describe the “perfect mate.” But that leaves you to wonder, what about those who aren’t necessarily the best at what they do, but still find a way to mate? The answer is simple: they’re the cheaters! The saying goes that “cheaters never win,” but in the case of this species of frog, that isn’t always necessarily the case.

A study was done on the European tree frog, Hyla arborea, to figure out why the males in this species choose to either seek out mates “traditionally” or “parasitically.” The traditional way would include actually going out and finding attracting or procuring a mate on their own, while parasitically involves using another competitors skills in order to procure a mate. They wanted to know if this behavior is caused by the size of the frog, or if it is caused by the energy cost that it would take to attract a mate. In order to test these two hypotheses, Brepson and his team set up an experiment in which they randomly caught 100 male frogs from a pond in France and emptied said frogs’ stomachs. The frogs were then split into two groups, one group was fed crickets and flies for seven days consecutively while the other group was starved for the same period of time. Then each frog was put into a container with two speakers, one in the center that played the “chorus” noise (mating calls at the average frequency of the male H. arborea’s croak), and one at the end of the container that played either “attractive” or “unattractive” mating calls for that species. A call was determined to be “attractive” or “unattractive” depending on how low or high the frequency of the call was as well as how often the call was played, with lower and more often was considered more “attractive.” The “satellite” zone was set at any point that was 10 cm or less from the speaker playing the mating calls as a standard for measuring levels of parasitism in this species. Males found in the satellite zone were identified to be acting more “parasitically” than “traditionally”. (more…)

Water ripples in Tungara frog interactions

May 8th, 2014 by ss55


When a scientist publishes their research in a journal, the flow of information of doesn’t stop there—science journalism is an important form of communication that makes this research accessible to the average person. Because academic readers and casual readers are very different audiences, differences are necessary in the way that the same information is presented. By comparing a popular science article to its primary source, we can see how a skillful writer can turn research into news.

In a recent study published in Science (Halfwerk et al., 2014), a research team investigated how animals integrate multiple sensory systems when receiving another animal’s signal. The researchers worked with male Tungara frogs, which produce mating calls while sitting in shallow water. Although it was previously known that frogs would respond to a neighboring male’s call (by calling faster, or falling silent in either preparation to fight or flee), Halfwerk and colleagues discovered that the water ripples produced by calling are an important factor—other males were significantly more likely to respond when ripples accompanied a recorded male frog call. If the ripples indicated that the call was outside the male’s territory (about a 15 cm circle), males increase their rate of calling. If the ripples were inside the territory, males more often fell silent as they prepared to fight or yield to the competitor. (more…)